Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Book Recommendations: Budgets for Beginners

For beginning budgeters (meaning, those who have never created a budget before AND those who think the word "budget" is a dirty word), I recommend the following books:

In the "For Dummies" series:
Personal Finance for Dummies
Frugal Living for Dummies

Now, some may think the "for Dummies" title is a bit harsh, but I find their books EXTREMELY helpful, well written, and well organized. They always take you step-by-step to achieving WHATEVER is on the book cover.

In the "Complete Idiot's" series: (another one of those "yeeesh!" titles, but good info!)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Personal Finance with Quicken

I am a QUICKEN JUNKIE. I find that, once you learn how to maneuver through the software (not hard at all!), you can use it to effectively manage every aspect of your financial life! It's got alerts, stock tickers, online bank downloads, budgets, IRA trackers... everything you need to get your money straight.

There will be more book recommendations on all aspects of finances, including budgeting. We start here first, however, because you MUST understand where you are to see how to get to where you're going.

Get the books first, read the info, then try the software. One step at a time!

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